Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Angels & Demons

Angels & Demons

Angels & Demons is devishly entertaining

Ron Howard returns to the thriller genre once again after his critically acclaimed, Best Picture nominated film “Frost/Nixon” last year. Howard also directed the controversial “The Da Vinci Code”, which debuted in 2006 to much criticism. It wasn’t as bad as the critics say, but definitely had pacing problems among other minor things. Ron Howard along with Tom Hanks returned to make The Da Vinci Code’s prequel, “Angels & Demons”. The majority of faults in The Da Vinci Code were fixed-The characters weren’t as stiff, the film flowed through perfectly, lacking a single dull moment. Not to mention the plot isn’t just good, it’s actually very important.

In the 1500’s during the scientific revolution, the church condemned scientists’ for their ideas about Earth’s true origin, how the world we live in works, science, logic, and common sense. This isn’t fiction, it’s true. The fiction from the film is the substance known as “anti-matter”. In the film anti-matter is created by scientists and is believed to be the same material responsible for Earth’s existence. The Illuminati, a group of rebellious scientists from centuries ago appears again, seeking revenge against the Catholic church for their blind ignorance hundreds of years ago. They steal the anti-matter and abduct 4 catholic priests. Symbologist Robert Langdon [ Hanks ] is asked to help find the priests before they are killed and find the Illuminati before they use the anti-matter to destroy Rome. It’s extremely informational, entertaining, and full of suspense. Ron Howard brings the incredible plot adapted from Dan Brown’s novel to life.

It’s an alternative choice for moviegoers who aren’t looking for special-effects filled action films, animated movies, comedies, or horror flicks. It’s a suspense thriller that contains enough thrills to last for twice its 138 minute duration, but at the same time it gives a very important history lesson. Possibly Ron Howard’s best since “A Beautiful Mind” in 2001. Hans Zimmer, possibly the greatest composer of all-time delivers again with a chilling and menacing score. The cinematography is also terrific, and is near perfection. What I liked most is the film’s stance on science trumping religion. If you feel the film will offend you, you have nothing to worry about. As far as religion and God are concerned, Angels & Demons takes a passive route and doesn’t [directly] say that God does not exist. Skipping this movie because of moral values serves no purpose, as it shouldn’t offend anyone. However there are some gruesome images and killings, such as a man being burned alive. So if you have a weak stomach you may want to wait for the DVD.

Angels & Demons is unique and original. Simply a one of a kind film. It’s about as entertaining as Star Trek, if not even more. Easily better than The Da Vinci Code and most other thrillers in recent years.


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