Wednesday, June 3, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

“Wolverine” is high on entertainment, low on quality.

The 4th and easily most inferior entry in the X-Men series, takes place before any of the 3 filmed before it. The movie focuses on the most famous of X-Men, Wolverine. It chronicles 164 years, from the early days of his life leading to his beginning as a super-hero. After teaming up with other mutants and highly skilled humans, Wolverine vanishes into Canada because morally he doesn’t agree with the agenda planned for himself and the other mutants. But, when his brother Victor Creed [ Liev Schreiber ] goes rogue, Wolverine has no choice but to once again get involved in the action. As an origin story, it works at explaining some of the things it should have. As a blockbuster it succeeds at being entertaining. But ultimately as a film, it fails.

The first Friday of every May kicks off the “Summer Movie Season”. Wolverine had the honor of kicking off the summer movie season in 2009, and did its job being an entertaining popcorn flick. But that’s not enough to get the film by. Previous year’s summer movie season starters include Iron Man, Spider-Man 3, Mission: Impossible III, etc. All entertaining, but most importantly they all were great films. X-Men had so little right with it outside of the entertainment value and so many things wrong with it that it’s hard to count. For starters, Wolverine may be the main character, but the film also touches the surface on many, many other characters. The main problem being the film elaborated with absolutely none of them, all wasted opportunities. There was much hype before the film for “Gambit”. Unfortunately the character many call their favorite received less than 10 minutes of screen time. There was no character development, whatsoever. Not even for Wolverine. The story is a mess, the editing choppy, and the acting along with the script is on occasion, absolutely hideous. The film’s only saving grace is its ability to entertain.

Some films, particularly blockbusters, like to feature scenes at the end of the credits. Wolverine was no exception. In this film’s case, there were 2 scenes after the credits that were seen, but 3 scenes altogether. About half a minute into the credits there is a scene that everyone who saw the film got, at the complete end of the credits…the scenes differ. Some theaters received one ending, and other theaters received another. It’s even rumored that there is a third scene. So if you see Wolverine in theaters, make sure you stay till’ the end of the credits.

At the end of the movie you just have to take it for what it’s worth. I saw it with a friend and together we spent 30 dollars just for a matinee show with popcorn and pop, for a film that wasn’t even good. But it was worth it, because despite the film’s numerous flaws, it’s very fun, and missing the summer movie season kick off was not something I intended on doing. My grade may be extremely generous, but X-Men Origins: Wolverine has enough action in it to keep audiences entertained.


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